Ulrike Schröder
Professor for the Study of Religions and of Intercultural Theology, Faculty of Theology, University of Rostock
- History of Religions in South Asia and Southern Africa (especially Christianity and Hinduism)
- Interreligious relations
- History of Christian missions and colonialism
- Migration and modern transnational Hinduism
- History and geography of religions in Durban (South Africa)
- Postcolonial theory and cultural studies’ approaches to the history of Religious Studies
- Post-/decolonial approaches to the historiography of missions
- Global religious history [Globale Religionsgeschichte]
- Subalternity and agency
- Diaspora studies
- Ritual studies
- German Socie-ty for Mission Studies (DGMW)
- Euro-pean Research Network on Global Pentecostalism (GloPent)
- Yale-Edinburgh-conference
- International Association for Mission Studies (IAMS)
- Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Theologie (WGTh)
- 2014-2022 Teaching Religious Studies in an intercultural perspective at FIT with international students participating in the study-programs
- Coordinator of the Study-program ICT