Moritz Fischer
Professor at University of Applied Sciences for Intercultural Theology, Hermannsburg (FIT)
Colonialism and mission, neglected and hidden (subversive) actors and networks in history of Christianities
Entangled history, Micro-studies of biographies and networks of local actors
- 2nd president of German Society for Mission Studies (DGMW)
- coordinator of the international DGMW-Research Prize in Intercultural Theology
- European Research Network on Global Pentecostalism
(GloPent) - Yale-Edinburgh-conference
- International Association for Mission Studies (IAMS)
- Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Theologie (WGTh)
- Evangelischer Bund (EB)
- M.A. in New Testament on the Jewish-Christian “Pseudo-Clementines” (Munich)
- Lecturer in Tanzania
- Peer reviewer of ATJ (Makumira)
- PhD on “Inculturation of Christianity in ATR” (Heidelberg)
- Habilitation on “Worldwide Networking of the Pentecostal Movement”
- since 2019 teaching History of Christianity in an intercultural perspective at FIT with international students participating in the study-programs
- 2005-2019 assistant of an professor at Augustana-University Neuendettelsau (2005-2019)
- 2005-2013 Study-program for Migrant Church-Leaders in Germany (MiSüNo)
- 1992-2000 teaching-experience in Tanzania